Silikal MMA Mortar Systems

Easier, Faster, Stronger

Advantages of mortar systems with reactive resins from Silikal

Simple processing of Silikal mortar


SILIKAL® R mortar and SILIKAL® R / SILIKAL® R mortar are primarily characterized by low linear shrinkage and easy processing.

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Short curing times of the Silikal mortar systems of just one hour after applying the last layer enable full load-bearing capacity, which prevents long interruptions to operations.

High compressive strengths with Silikal


High compressive strengths (up to 105 N/mm2) and pull-off strengths are outstanding features of our mortar systems.

Application examples:
Mortar systems from Silikal

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Facts about Silikal MMA Mortar Systems

Low temperatures

Processing can take place at temperatures down to -25 °C.


Good chemical resistance, weather resistant and excellent wear resistance. Also resistant to de-icing and frost.


Very low linear shrinkage compared to concrete.

Selection of our mortar systems products

As already mentioned, the mortars from Silikal uses the reactive resin "methyl methacrylate" as a binder, as well as some important reactive components, and essentially sands of special grain sizes as an aggregate. This mortar with its exceptional properties was invented many years ago at Silikal and is still unique and unsurpassed today when it comes to repairing concrete surfaces or components, especially in difficult conditions. To date, no other comparable mortar achieves this extremely fast curing - even at low temperatures - as well as the outstanding material properties compared to mineral mortars.

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Silikal mortar systems

Silikal mortar systems are suitable for extremely fast and highly resilient floor repairs without interrupting operations. Harder than concrete itself, liquid-tight and easy to use are just three of the many advantages of Silikal mortar systems. The reactive resin mortars are already proving themselves worldwide in road construction, traffic areas, industrial plants and many other areas.

Areas of application

Silikal reactive resins are used to produce both heavy-duty and decorative floor coverings for almost all industrial areas, as well as mortar systems for extremely fast and highly durable concrete repairs. Silikal has specialized in the technology of methacrylate reactive resins and has proven itself for 70 years on many millions of square metres.
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