Resource scarcity: think, plan, act

Service Center

Silikal Hubert Weimann

We are there for you 24/7. 

(+49) 6182 92 35 0

"The shortage of raw materials continues to affect us - as it does various other companies. It affects many operating areas. Be it the required frequency converter for motors or certain raw materials for our products, these are just a few examples," Hubert Weimann, Silikal managing director, says, "but we have been able to adapt our organisation to the situation, that there have been no delivery failures so far. We are very pleased about that." Our aim is to always be a reliable partner for our customers: Thanks to many years of experience, the Silikal team can estimate and plan order quantities well. "However, the price situation is also difficult for us because prices cannot be fixed weeks in advance. Nevertheless: we are currently working with much higher stock levels than before, so we are also ordering with a longer lead time than it was usual for us. This way we can continue to offer the service our customers are used to."

Service Center

Silikal Hubert Weimann

We are there for you 24/7. 

(+49) 6182 92 35 0

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