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Solvent-free methacrylic resin of high impact resistance and low- temperature flexibility for indoor and outdoor applications. Coatings made from SILIKAL® RV 368 are durable elastic, and good for crack bridging.


Areas of Application:
SILIKAL® RV 368 is used as a binder for self- levelling coats characterized by outstanding impact resistance, predominantly outdoors and for cold stores in thickness of 2 – 4 mm or 4 – 7 mm. When mixed with fine filler SILIKAL® RV 368 can be used as 1 – 1.5 mm membrane for example a scratch coat.

Special formulations:
R 68 for high temperatures.

Industry SectorsWaterproofing : Floor coating
Type of ResinsMethylmethacrylate (MMA)
ApplicationBalcony : Car Park : Cold Storage Room : Flat Roof
Product typeMain Coat
Container size180 kg drum : 25 kg hobbock : 5 kg can


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Technical data sheet

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read pdf SILIKAL® RV 368

Technical data sheet

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read pdf SILIKAL® RV 368 Declaration of performance120 kB

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